Speaking engagement
Speaking to an audience is about shifting people’s beliefs and assumptions. It’s like getting into a calm ocean, feeling what’s moving underneath, and seeing how people’s views can shift. It is also about bringing a strong case for the audience to jump into that ocean and swim in it with you, in full trust.
Speaking to a group of managers and leaders is all about inspiring people to embrace change, look at themselves in the mirror, and ask themselves questions like
How aware am I of my ways of functioning?
What “resistance” am I a victim of, which prevents me from living the “unlived life within me”? (from The War of Art by Steven Pressfield)
What can I do tomorrow to inspire my team members even more?
What can I do from now on to bring more of myself into all my relationships and not leave any part of myself aside?
It is not only about you and your well-being: as a leader, you can impact dozens, if not hundreds, of people surrounding you — your employees, your partners, and your customers.
So the question becomes: How can you, first of all, inspire yourself, find your own purpose and meaning, and get into the right habits, so that, in turn, you can influence and inspire others?
My role is to inspire people to embrace new mindsets, overcome some of the fears that they believe they cannot overcome, get them to try something different at home and at work, and then let them see the immediate impact they would have on their surroundings.
Leaders whom I work with are mostly sincere and wish to do the right thing. Sometimes, we get into ways of being and behaving that impact our world in ways we didn’t predict or imagine. How do we — you — realise what habits of yours contribute to these situations? How can you convince yourself that you can get out of feeling like you are a victim of your surroundings? Such mindset shifts or behavioural changes is really what we are after.
Examples of topics we may ask in real time, which can be discussed and agreed upon beforehand:
What matters to them at this point of time in their workplace?
What do they feel are the factors that have prevented psychological safety from being established at their workplace?
What would make it easier for them to fully express their potential?
Knowing the audience’s maturity level on the topics enables us to position the conversation at the right level. This was evidenced in our engagement in a conversation on “purpose and meaning” and “personal branding” with an audience.
However, sometimes, the organiser doesn’t know a specific group or audience well enough to know how the members would feel and think about a particular topic. Therefore, we sometimes conduct short confidential surveys that are sent to the audience beforehand in order to customise the interaction.
One thing I can assure you is that I engage the audience exclusively on topics that I have experienced with my other clients. Relying on theory is not my thing, since most of us are already overloaded with paper-based learning. Therefore, I bring my talks to life by sharing not only solid research and facts, but also stories based on my personal experiences and/or leaders I have worked with.
My objective is to meet the organisers’ goals and intentions by respecting their agenda. Therefore, I would do my utmost to fulfil and serve that agenda in the best possible way I can.
The way I speak to and engage with the audience is quite different from what you would usually get from other speakers.
I believe that value comes not only from the potential wisdom I may share, but also more importantly, from the conversations and sharing among the audience. Expect authentic interactions in a number of ways:
Conversation in pairs or threes based on thought-provoking questions offered to the audience; along with
Real-time and confidential interactive tools used to sound out people and get real-time information of what the audience feels and thinks about specific topics. These tools can also allow for the customisation of the speaking engagement in order to tackle pertinent topics.
That means, in addition to inspiring the audience and getting them to try new things in their lives, the event organisers can also benefit from the insights we gather through these interactive tools from the audience.

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Singapore office:
Three Coleman Street, Unit 03-24, Singapore 179804
Vietnam office:
The Hive, 94 Xuan Thuy, Thao Dien Ward, D2, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam